sending a message to get more referrals

How to Get More Referrals in Your Business

If you’re a small business owner, you know referrals are like GOLD! They drive growth and bring in new clients (and they’re usually kind of the best clients, right?). But how do you get more referrals? It probably won’t surprise you that I believe the secret lies in the power of storytelling! Yes, you read that right—stories! They make you more relatable, more memorable, and ultimately, more likable. And big surprise – people refer people they like!



Crafting and Sharing Your Story in a Way That Makes it Easy to Refer You

Around here, your story is your superpower. It’s what makes you unique and memorable. To connect with your current and past clients (and then get more referrals), you need to craft and share your story effectively. Let’s talk about how to do that.

First and foremost, be authentic. People connect with real experiences, not sugar-coated tales of perfection. Authenticity resonates deeply because it’s relatable and genuine. When clients see that you’re honest about your experiences, they’re more likely to trust you and refer others to you.

Next, don’t shy away from highlighting your successes. Showcase the positive outcomes your clients have achieved by working with you. These stories act as proof of your expertise and reliability. For instance, if a client’s sales doubled after implementing your marketing strategy, tell that story! And remember – passion is contagious. When chatting with current and past clients, talk about why you love what you do, and how you love to cheer them on even after the work is over. When people see how much you care about your work, they’re more likely to refer others who could benefit from your services.

Lastly, leverage the power of testimonials. Happy clients are your best advocates, so share their stories (and then trust me, they will keep telling them!).


Nurturing Clients to Guarantee More Referrals

If you’re serious about nurturing client relationships, you have to tune into my conversation with Sara McCabe on Honeybook’s Independent Business podcast! Sara dropped some sage advice on how to create a brand experience that keeps clients raving about you. Did you know that 88% of people will mention a brand at least once a week if they have a great experience? That’s a HUGE opportunity!

Here’s what she recommends.

Get Detailed Reviews

In our interview, Sara shared how she always asks her clients to fill out a detailed survey right after wrapping up a project. She wants to understand their decision-making process and what they enjoyed most about working with her. Smart thinking! This data helps her figure out how to support future clients better and make them feel valued.

Ask for the Referral

And here’s a pro tip from Sara – after getting back glowing testimonials, she straight-up asks her clients if they know three people who might benefit from her services. As you can imagine, this almost always leads to direct referrals or future connections! Sara also follows up with clients six months later to see how they’re doing and offer any help or answer any questions they may have. Once she is confident they are still raving about her, she will again ask if they know anyone who could use her services! Referral marketing is a long game. We all need to be strategic (and patient!) when building long-term relationships and planting seeds for future referrals!

Use Case Studies In Proposals

Another tip that lends itself to how we can storytelling to increase referrals? Sara uses case studies in her proposals! These case studies show real examples of her success, proving to potential clients that choosing her is the smart move! We love receipts in 2024, don’t we? Case studies are powerful tools because they show your expertise and make your services more appealing and trustworthy.

Want to learn more? Check out our full chat on YouTube!


writing tips to get more referrals for your business


Get More Referrals in Your Business

I love referrals! Building a referral-based business takes time and effort, but with consistency (and the right approach), it can lead to a steady stream of new clients. Start sharing your stories, nurturing your relationships, and watch your referrals grow! 

Ready to elevate your storytelling and truly connect with your audience? Reach out to me here. Curious about what sets your storytelling apart? Take this quiz to learn more about your storytelling style, straight from a seasoned storytelling expert—yours truly! See you in your inbox!
