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A Simple Email Marketing Strategy That Business Owners Can Implement Today

We all know email marketing is something we should be doing, but actually sending those emails can feel like a chore. That’s where a solid email marketing strategy—focused on storytelling—comes in! Storytelling turns your emails into content people actually want to read. Why? Because everyone loves a good story! It’s human, relatable, and taps into our natural curiosity.

Let’s dive into how you can turn your weekly (or monthly, no judgment) emails into storytelling gold that keeps your subscribers opening your emails everytime they land in your inbox.


the power of storytelling in your email marketing strategy


The Email Marketing Strategy: Turn Stories Into Lessons

First, let’s break this down real simple email marketing strategy: every week, craft an email that centers around a story. It could be something that happened to you, something you witnessed, or even a story you saw online that got you thinking. The trick? Tie that story back to your business in a way that offers a lesson, tip, or insight.

For example: Maybe you had a little mishap with a client, and it taught you a valuable lesson about setting boundaries. Boom—there’s your story and lesson for your email: “The Time I Realized Clients Aren’t Mind Readers.”

Or maybe you saw a post on Threads that had you in your feelings and made you think about your industry in a whole new way. Guess what? Your subscribers are waiting to hear about it.

It doesn’t have to be something that happened THAT week either. I keep a “story bank” where I can jot down things as they come up so I always have something to pull from.


Why A Storytelling Email Marketing Strategy Works

  1. People Are Naturally Nosy: Let’s be real—people love a peek into someone else’s life. It’s why reality TV exists and why we spend way too much time on social media. When you share stories, you’re giving your audience a little window into your world, and that’s magnetic.
  2. It’s Engaging: Stories hook people in a way that straight-up business talk just doesn’t. You might have the most brilliant insights on productivity, but if you present them like a textbook, you’ve already lost your audience. Wrap those insights in a story, though, and suddenly people are hanging on your every word.
  3. It Humanizes Your Brand: We buy from people we like and trust. Sharing stories helps your audience feel like they know you, and when they feel like they know you, they’re more likely to trust you (and buy from you!)



The Dos and Don’ts of Storytelling in Your Email Marketing Strategy

Here are a few quick “dos and don’ts” that you can take with you as you implement your new email marketing strategy!


  • Be authentic: Share stories that are true to you. Your audience can smell BS from a mile away, so keep it real.
  • Connect the dots: Make sure your story ties back to your brand, product, or a lesson relevant to your audience. Random stories are entertaining, but they need a purpose in this context.
  • Have a point: There’s nothing worse than getting to the end of an email and thinking, “So what?” Always wrap up with a takeaway, lesson, or call-to-action.


  • Overshare: This isn’t a therapy session. There’s a fine line between being relatable and spilling all your tea. Keep it relevant and leave out the messy details.
  • Make it all about you: Yes, you’re sharing your story, but always think about what’s in it for your audience. What can they learn or take away from your experience?
  • Overthink it: You don’t need some grand, life-changing event to tell a good story. Sometimes the simplest, most mundane experiences make for the best lessons.


Pro Tip: Inspiration doesn’t always strike when it’s time to write your weekly email. That’s why you need to start hoarding your stories. Whenever something happens that makes you think, laugh or cringe, jot it down. Use your notes app, or a project management tool. Just make sure you have a dedicated space to dump your stories so you’re never scrambling for content when email time rolls around.

email marketing strategy for business owners


Bonus: Data Mine on Threads

Before I let you go, let’s not sleep on social media. Platforms like Threads are an absolute goldmine for inspiration. If you’re scrolling and see something that resonates, triggers a thought, or even makes you roll your eyes, use it! Start your email with, “I saw this on Threads the other day…” and then segue into your thoughts. It’s an easy way to tap into conversations that are already happening and add your unique spin.

How Often Should You Be Doing This?

Consistency is key, but let’s be realistic. Ideally, you’d want to send these storytelling emails weekly to stay top-of-mind. But if that feels like a stretch, start with once a month. The important thing is to show up regularly—whatever that means for you.

The Power of Storytelling in Your Email Marketing Strategy

When you add storytelling to your email marketing strategy, it’s no longer just another “salesy” message. You’re building relationships and sharing a bit of yourself. People want to feel like they’re part of something, not just another number. So, the next time you’re facing a blank email, think back to that awkward client moment, funny mistake, or insightful Threads post. Turn it into a lesson, share it, and watch your email marketing transform.

Ready to elevate your storytelling and build a real connection with your audience? Let’s talk! Wondering what makes your storytelling style unique? Take this quiz to uncover tailored strategies that’ll help you stand out, with a little help from a storytelling expert—me!
