storytelling strategist sits on couch celebrating how to become a better speaker

How to Become a Better Speaker (Whether You’re a Podcaster or Headed for the Stage!)

Whether you dream of commanding the stage with confidence, captivating listeners on your podcast, or simply leaving a lasting impression in the minds of your audience, I’m here to help. And the secret to helping you become a better speaker? STORYTELLING. So it goes without saying, you are in the right place. Through the power of storytelling, we’ll explore how to harness your experiences, craft narratives that convert, and deliver them in a way that makes the audience hang on your every word. Doesn’t that sound like the kind of thing that’s sitting on your vision board right now? Let’s dive in!


Become a Better Speaker Through Storytelling

Imagine this: you’re at a networking event, coffee in hand, when a speaker takes the stage. Instead of bombarding you with facts and figures, they share a story. Suddenly, you’re not scrambling to write down everything they’re saying (or taking a photo of the slide you KNOW you’ll never look at again), but instead, you’re leaning in and listening to what the speaker is going to say next. And better yet – you’re likely going to REMEMBER it.

Our brains are wired for stories. From ancient cave paintings to modern-day Netflix binges, storytelling is in our DNA. Stories are how we make sense of the world. They’re the mental hooks that facts and data cling to, making information not just digestible, but memorable. When you weave your business insights into a narrative, you’re not just sharing knowledge; you’re gifting your audience a memory. That’s something that they can carry with them long after your speech is over.


become a better speaker


How to Become a Better Speaker By Crafting Your Own Stories

If you’re thinking, yeah I KNOW stories are powerful Akua, but what if I don’t have any? How can I turn my experiences into stories that they’ll remember? While I go through this process in detail with my storytelling intensive clients, the truth is that getting started is simpler than you might think.

First, sit down and take some time to find the heart of your story. Start with the message you want to convey. What lesson did you learn? What insight can others gain? The core of your story is not the event itself, but the impact it had.

Second, build a relatable character (most of the time – that’s YOU!). Share your struggles, your failures, and how you overcame them, in a way that will resonate with your audience. Remember, they want to hear about you in a way that relates to them.

Next, map out your story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. That doesn’t mean you need to tell the story from the stage that way, but you should take time to map the whole story out so you can decide what you need to include to make sure your story packs a punch from the stage. Once you know what you want to share, consider staring in the middle (right before the story’s climax!). This structure keeps your story focused and your audience engaged.

Lastly, before I move on to tips for delivering your story, don’t forget to pay attention to feedback as you tell your story. Are people leaning in? Zoning out? The more you tell the stories, the more they become a core part of your brand that people will remember you for. Don’t waste the opportunity to look for cues that will make your story better each time you tell it. 


Tips for Delivering Your Story to Become a Better Speaker

Crafting your story is half the battle; delivering it is where the magic comes to life. Here are a few short tips to help you deliver your story in a way that will help you become a better speaker this year.

  • Pace Yourself. Your story’s pace sets the mood. Fast pacing can build excitement, while a slower pace allows for reflection. Vary your pace to keep your audience engaged.
  • Tone Matters. Use your tone to underscore the highs and lows of your story. Let your enthusiasm, your suspense, and your relief shine through.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice. I spoke on this briefly above, but familiarity breeds confidence. Rehearse your story until it feels natural, but stay flexible. 
  • Engage with Your Audience. Eye contact, questions, and reactive pauses can make your audience feel seen and involved.


storytelling strategist sharing tips for becoming a better speaker


Becoming a Better Storyteller Makes You Become a Better Speaker

Embracing storytelling in your public speaking or on your podcast doesn’t just make you become a better speaker; it makes you a memorable one. Stories bridge the gap between speaker and listener, turning facts into journeys and insights into experiences. For small business owners, honing this skill can make a big difference in the way you are perceived, which is especially important if your long-term goal is to be an industry leader or educator. 

Ready to start your storytelling journey? Reach out, and let’s craft narratives that not only tell your business’s story but also propel it forward. While this process is simple in theory, it’s also worth getting RIGHT. Sign up for a storytelling intensive today, or come follow me on Instagram for more examples of storytelling (so you can see what this really looks like!).
