riverside for podcast hosts

Why I’m Obsessed with Riverside for Podcasting (And Why You Should Be Too)

If you’re thinking about starting a podcast (or upping the quality of your current tech tools), I’m going to share exactly why I love Riverside for podcasting today. If you’ve tuned into my podcast Here’s the Tea with Akua (and if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?), you’ve experienced the audio magic firsthand. But what you might not know is that behind that crystal-clear sound and seamless conversation flow is Riverside, working its tech wizardry (along with some pretty great podcast equipment). I also use Riverside when I’m hosting the Honeybook Independent Business Podcast. There are a lot of different podcast software options out there, so today, I’m going to share 4 reasons why I’ve chosen Riverside as my go-to this year!

Spoiler alert: This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to join the Riverside party through my link, I might earn a little something-something. But trust me, I’d rave about this gem even if they weren’t paying me. 



1. Local and Cloud Recording: The Dynamic Duo

Imagine you’re in the middle of an amazing interview with your dream guest. They’re sharing all the juicy details, you’re nailing your questions, and then… your internet drops. Total nightmare, right? Ask me how I know. That’s one of the reasons I love Riverside – it records both on your computer and to the cloud. So even if your connection acts up, you’ve got a backup. It’s like a safety net for your audio (because trust me – there’s nothing more embarrassing than telling a guest you need to re-record).


2. Multi-track Recording for Better Editing

Remember the days of trying to edit a single audio track, desperately attempting to cut out that moment when your dog decided to bark at a squirrel? Yeah, those days are over. If right now you’re trying to record interviews on Zoom, this one is going to be the biggest game-changes.

Riverside records each participant on a separate track. This means when it comes to editing, you can adjust individual volumes, remove background noise, or even rearrange segments without affecting the entire recording. This level of control is a game-changer. You’ll feel like an editing pro, even if you’re just starting out (and doing it all yourself)


3. Magic Clips for Social Media

Okay, let’s talk about Magic Clips for a hot second. This feature is so good, it almost feels like cheating. While you’re recording, Riverside automatically detects and marks the best moments from your recording. Then, when you’re done recording, you can easily find and share these highlights without having to relisten to the entire episode. It’s perfect for creating those snackable social media clips that make your followers go, “Ooh, I need to listen to the full episode!”


4. Easy Editing and Podcast AI Tools

Listen, I love podcasting, but I don’t love spending hours hunched over my computer, squinting at waveforms. Riverside gets that. Their editing tools are intuitive, user-friendly, and dare I say it, actually fun to use.

You can trim, split, and merge clips with a few clicks. Want to add a fancy intro or outro? Easy peasy. Need to adjust levels or remove background noise? Consider it done. It’s like having a professional audio engineer at your fingertips, doing all the heavy lifting while you kick back and focus on the content. Plus, they have great AI tools like removing pauses that make for more engaging audio automatically. Suddenly, you’ve gone from fumbling novice to editing pro without breaking a sweat.

Bottom Line: Why I’m Obsessed With Riverside

Look, I’ve tried a lot of podcast recording software in my day. Some were okay, some made me want to throw my computer out the window. But Riverside? It’s the whole package. Podcasting is hard enough without wrestling with subpar tech. Riverside is reliable, user-friendly, and it’s packed with features that make my podcasting life so much easier!

Finally, do you want to take your storytelling to the next level? Start by taking my fun, quick quiz to uncover your unique storytelling style. You’ll get personalized tips and strategies to elevate your skills and captivate any audience. Whether you’re looking to enhance your brand or just tell more engaging stories, I’m here to help. Take the quiz now, and let’s start creating your next amazing story together
