storytelling strategist shares 2024 marketing trends

So, you’ve finally read the infamous “Building a Story Brand” book that everyone and their mother recommends and now you’re sitting there wondering, “What’s next?” If so, I get it. While StoryBrand lays a solid foundation for understanding the basics of storytelling in marketing, I believe it’s just that—a foundation. Here’s my hot take and […]

sending a message to get more referrals

If you’re a small business owner, you know referrals are like GOLD! They drive growth and bring in new clients (and they’re usually kind of the best clients, right?). But how do you get more referrals? It probably won’t surprise you that I believe the secret lies in the power of storytelling! Yes, you read […]

Ever caught yourself scrolling through your feed and wondering why you pause on some posts while others barely get a glance? I’m willing to bet that what you’re seeing is the magic of great storytelling doing its thing. And while I know that might sound cheesy (and I’m a little biased as a storytelling strategist), […]

storytelling strategist sharing about 2024 marketing trends

Oh, get ready to upgrade your podcast game because today, I’m spilling all the deets on the best podcast equipment in 2024. Whether your new to podcasting and just starting your own show, or you’re ready for an equipment upgrade, I’m excited to share what I’ve tried and/or heard works well no matter what stage […]

Who is Reesa Teesa, you ask? Or are you part of the large population of Tiktok-watchers who already know 😂 In case you missed it, Reesa Teesa is the TikTok sensation who pretty much owned the internet earlier this year with her gripping 50-part series called ‘Who TF Did I Marry?’. With over 9+ hours […]

In a world overflowing with digital innovations and more content than we know what to do with, storytellers have turned to AI to try to keep up. The only problem is, is the content any good? AI can’t tell YOUR story for you, so what can it do? In this week’s blog post, we are […]


Let’s spill the tea on something I recently dove headfirst into – revamping my email nurture sequence in Flodesk. And oh, what a journey it’s been! As a storytelling strategist, I’m always preaching the gospel of the power of stories, but applying that to my own emails? Let’s just say – it was fun putting […]

business lessons from independent business owners

While we near the end of what’s possibly the longest month ever, I wanted to share some of the top business lessons I’ve heard as the host of Honeybook’s Independent Business Podcast to help us all keep up that new year energy (and hit some of the goals we have set four ourselves this year!). […]

storytelling strategist holding laptop

Ah, storytelling. It’s not just for bedtime tales or blockbuster movies. Today, I’m lifting the curtain on exactly how to leverage storytelling to make more sales in your business. Get ready because I don’t want this blog post isn’t just another item on your reading list (or another tab you have open). I want to […]

storytelling strategist explains how your marketing is costing you sales

Feeling like you’ve tried every marketing strategy out there but still not seeing big results? Well, let’s talk about the magic ingredient you might be missing: storytelling! In my journey as a storytelling strategist, I’ve noticed something pretty universal. When your marketing messages skip the storytelling aspect, it is costing you sales. Without being too […]

storytelling strategist sits on couch celebrating how to become a better speaker

Whether you dream of commanding the stage with confidence, captivating listeners on your podcast, or simply leaving a lasting impression in the minds of your audience, I’m here to help. And the secret to helping you become a better speaker? STORYTELLING. So it goes without saying, you are in the right place. Through the power […]

making more affiliate income with Honeybook's TOP affiliate earner

It’s still a “pinch me” moment that I get to host Honeybook’s Independent Business Podcast! I get to interview absolutely INCREDIBLE entrepreneurs (across industries!), but today, I want to highlight one person in particular: Candice Coppola. She’s actually the TOP affiliate income earner with Honeybook, and she’s made over half a million dollars over the […]

Hi, i'm Akua

I'm a Storytelling Strategist who empowers creative entrepreneurs to create captivating stories that drive real results.

Together we will create a tailored messaging strategy
that amplifies your story and voice on social media.


work with akua

how to find your authentic voice on social media

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