Do you struggle with managing your anxiety? We’ve all face some sort of fear and anxiety over the last few years, but have you found a way to manage it? In this episode of Here’s the Tea, Colleen Blake-Miller joins us to share how you can check in on your mental health, set realistic boundaries, […]

Do you struggle with adult friendships? Holding valuable friendships as an adult is hard, but navigating them is even harder. In today’s episode, two of my dear friends, LaShonda Brown and Kayla Hollatz join me to talk about how they make friends, build relationships, and recognize value in their friendships in adulthood. This is Season […]

Community is a word that has so much meaning.  The word alone is something that is so simple but yet powerful by providing us with genuine connections with each other. Finding a community can be tough and feel almost isolating. When I initially started my business I decided to keep my goals and dreams in […]

Hey everybody! My name is Akua Konadu and I am a brand new blogger and Social Media Strategist. It has been my dream for the past year to launch my own business through blogging, and coaching services. As a new entrepreneur here are five things I’ve learned while building my business.  1. Know Your Why […]

As I’m sure you can tell by now, I love social media and especially Instagram. It‘s a great way to express yourself and also provides you with the opportunity to connect with others and build relationships.  As a Storytelling Strategist, I enjoy helping entrepreneurs find new and innovative ways to share their story on social […]

Akua Konadu Instagram Strategist clasping her hands

Let’s talk about fear, shall we? This past year I’ve allowed fear and self-doubt to fill my mind leaving no space for me to dream. I had a friend once tell me that two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time and that is so true!  I’ve been consumed by so much […]

Hi, i'm Akua

I'm a Storytelling Strategist who empowers creative entrepreneurs to create captivating stories that drive real results.

Together we will create a tailored messaging strategy
that amplifies your story and voice on social media.


work with akua

how to find your authentic voice on social media

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